Carol Kardon

The low sun pauses on the hedgerow, cows meander across a hillside, clouds tango, and newly plowed fields yawn into the dusk. All these sights
spark my imagination. However, what I choose to paint is really of very little importance or even of no importance at all – for great subjects do not necessarily make great paintings. It is my response to the visual stimuli that provokes the urge to translate the subject into some kind of pictorial form. The physical qualities of the medium are my first concern. Then, attention is paid to the tension between realism and abstraction, the relations and connection between things, light, patterns, space, shapes and color.  The challenge of putting all these parts together is what, for me, painting is all about.  The eye becomes the lens of the heart.

All images this page © 2005-2015 Carol Kardon. All rights reserved.

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